Dylan began lifting weights in high school in order to improve his performance in both Football & Lacrosse. Due to his school not having a full-time strength coach, Dylan was tasked with researching how to get stronger & faster on his own.

In 2019, during his senior year, Dylan began to assist other varsity athletes from his school looking to improve their performance in sports like Basketball, Lacrosse, & Track & Field. 

Dylan got his start as a Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) under the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) in 2021. His first training job was at the University of Miami Herbert Wellness Center in Coral Gables, FL. Following his graduation from college, Dylan is now seeking to become a Certified Strength & Conditioning Coach (CSCS).

As a coach, Dylan’s mission is to motivate & guide athletes toward becoming the best versions of themselves both inside & outside the weight room. Dylan is also passionate about music production, investing, wakeboarding, & video editing.

MORE ABOUT DYLAN “Milkman” Noell